EU-Ecolabel On this page you can find various versions of the EU-Ecolabel to be used on ecolabelled products, services, printed matters, campsites or tourist accomodation. Please contact us if you have questions about the use of the mark.


A taskforce reviewing EU Ecolabel regulations has proposed changes to the European labelling scheme, including increasing renewability content and percent 

EU Ecolabel, även kallad EU-Blomman, är Europas motsvarighet till Svanen och en av världens främsta miljömärkningar. Det är en Typ 1-märkning, precis som Svanenmärket. Vilket betyder att den är oberoende, jobbar enligt ett livscykelperspektiv och med en helhetssyn när kriterier tas fram. Se hela listan på The Ecolabel will define the minimum environmental performance of this product group and will be based on the requirements of the EU Ecolabel Regulation 66/2010 with the objective of awarding the best environmentally performing financial products. REGULATION (EC) No 66/2010 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL.

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  2. Apa modellen källförteckning

The proposed new Ecolabel Regulation will operate more efficiently by reducing bureaucracy that has slowed the system down. There will also be a stronger focus on products and services that have the most significant environmental impacts and the highest potential for improvement. The website of the Commission on the EU Ecolabel provides for general information concerning the EU Ecolabel application process and EU Ecolabel Competent Bodies These pages will be updated with further information, where necessary. European Commission Directorate-General for the Environment.

Application for ecolabelling, e.g. Nordic Ecolabel and the EU Ecolabel.

31 Dec 2020 Under the terms of the Northern Ireland Protocol, the EU Ecolabel Regulations continue to apply in NI . However, EU Ecolabel licences granted 

eu Following the successful completion of the European Remanufacturing Network project funded through Horizon 2020, the Conseil Européen de Remanufacture was launched in January 2017. It has members such as IBM, Lexmark, SKF, Panalpina, syncreon, Autocraft and others who pay annual membership subscriptions to develop, promote and exchange good practise between the remanufacturing sectors. EU Ecolabel är EU:s officiella miljömärkning.

Eu ecolabel regulation

The EU Ecolabel criteria will define the minimum environmental performance of this product group and will be based on the requirements of the EU Ecolabel Regulation 66/2010 with the objective of awarding the label to financial products with the best environmental

The official EU label for Greener Products.

Regulation (EC) No 66/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 on the EU Ecolabel Rules of European Union Ecolabelling Board Commission Decision establishing the European Union Ecolabelling Board and its rules of procedure The EU Ecolabel covers a wide range of product groups, from major areas of manufacturing to tourist accommodation. Key experts, in consultation with main stakeholders, develop the criteria for each product group in order to decrease the main environmental impacts over the entire life cycle of the product. REGULATION (EC) No 66/2010 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL.
Af 2903


2021 L'Écolabel européen vise à concevoir et promouvoir des produits (biens et et des services) respectueux de l'environnement et de la santé tout  30 Jun 2017 10 The EU Ecolabel Regulation defines a product group as 'a set of products that serve similar purposes and are similar in terms of.
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14 Jun 2017 Compliance with EU Ecolabel Regulation: Articles 6(6)/(7) on SVHC: REACH & RoHS. 3. Fulfillment of consumers' needs. - Framework.

The EU Ecolabel licence number shall be presented as indicated in the EU Ecolabel Regulation (EC No. 66/2010: Annex 2 “Form of the EU Ecolabel”): In regards to the Product/Service Group Code “YYY”, regardless of how this code is formulated (how many This study aims to review the implementation of the EU Ecolabel since 2000. Considering the performance of the EU Ecolabel to date, the topics investigated through this work were whether the EU Ecolabel contributes to the promotion of products with high environmental performance as a standalone consideration, what the role of the EU Ecolabel is in relation to other policy tools, and how it The EU Ecolabel criteria will define the minimum environmental performance of this product group and will be based on the requirements of the EU Ecolabel Regulation 66/2010 with the objective of awarding the label to financial products with the best environmental Consumers wanting to make environment-friendly shopping choices should have a decision-making aid they can trust. The Ecolabel is such a thing to help select products and services with less impact on the environment. BEUC has been contributing to the development of the Ecolabel since its creation in 1992.